
Version 5.6.1

Fix : Video : Security Patch ( Low security )
Fix : Minor Bug Fixes & Improvements

Version 5.6.0

Add : New Widget : Table
Add : New Widget : Carousel Anything
Add : Accordion : Option to add content from elementor Templates
Add : Accordion : Option to add padding for title background
Add : Accordion : Option to add box border for title background
Add : Info Box : Option to add padding for Description
Add : Pricing Table : Option to add Alignment option for Title, Sub Title, Price & Ribbon
Add : Pricing Table : Option to add padding for ribbon text
Add : Pricing Table : Option to change position of pricing button
Add : Tabs/Tour : Styling options for tabs Navigation area
Fix : Minor Bug Fixes & Improvements

Version 5.5.6

Fix : Minor Bug Fixes & performance Improvements

Version 5.5.5

Fix : Age Gate : Security Patch ( Low security )
Fix : Hover Card : Security Patch ( Low security )
Fix : Header Meta content : Security Patch ( Low security )
Fix : Minor Bug Fixes & Improvements

Version 5.5.4

Add : Accordion : Default tab active Option
Add : Accordion : Option to add space between tabs
Add : Accordion : Option to style border
Add : Accordion : Option for content background styling
Add : Blog Listout : Post load more option
Add : Blog Listout : Border styling option
Add : Blog Listout : Social Icon Background color option
Add : Blog Listout : Box shadow option
Add : Contact Form 7 : Add option for uncheck radio button color
Add : Gallery Listing : add style 2 layout
Add : Info Box : Add Style 4
Add : Number Counter : Symbol color option
Add : Navigation Menu Lite : Add Repeater option 
Add : Pricing Table : Ribbon style 1  
Add : Pricing Table : Font Awesome icon option 
Add : Pricing Table : Content style option
Add : Pricing Table : Button Alignment
Add : New Widget : Process Steps
Add : New Widget : Stylish List
Add : Team Member : Add style 3
Add : Team Member : Border width option
Add : Team Member : Box shadow option
Add : Team Member : Social icon background color option
Add : Testimonial : Box shadow option
Add : Testimonial : Alignment for style-4
Add : Tabs/Tour : Font Awesome 5 icons 
Add : Tabs/Tour : Option add content via Elementor Template 
Add : Tabs/Tour : Option to style border 
Add : Tabs/Tour : Option to style box shadow 
Add : WP Forms : Display option for hide/show form Name & Description
Compatibility : Button : Add responsive compatibility for button size and spacing
Compatibility : Info Box : Responsive compatibility for title top/bottom space
Compatibility : Flip Box : Responsive compatibility for Icons size & title top/bottom space
Fix : Blockquote : Image should not hide when toggle of icon disable
Fix : Gravity Form : Checkbox and radio button not showing
Fix : Info Box : SVG icons css improvement
Fix : Info Box : Button SVG icon not showing fix
Fix : Pricing Table : Content Description style 2 alignment not working 
Fix : Post Featured Image : CSS improvement for border radius
Fix : Progress Bar : Security Patch ( Low security )
Fix : Flip Box : Security Patch ( Low security )
Fix : Scroll Navigation : Security Patch ( Low security )
Fix : Minor Bug Fixes & performance Improvements

Version 5.5.3

Add : Syntax Highlighter widget
Fix : Dark Mode : Global color Condition Improvement
Fix : Meeting schedular : Security Patch ( Low security )
Fix : Button : Security Patch ( Low security )
Fix : Minor Bug Fixes & performance Improvements

Version 5.5.2

Add : Info Box : Button Icon size option
Add : Post Title : Add Text Alignment Option
Fix : Post Meta : Post Author name compatibility with Nexter Extension Single Page
Add : Contact Form 7 : Option to Change checkbox Position
Fix : Gravity Form : Condition Improvement
Fix : Condition Improvement for Caching File generating flow
Fix : Minor Bug Fixes & Improvements

Version 5.5.1

Fix : Post Content : Condition Improvement

Version 5.5.0

Compatibility : Elementor Free & Pro 3.21
Add : Age Gate : Documentation Link
Add : Blockquote : Documentation Link
Add : Button : Documentation Link
Add : Countdown : Documentation Link
Add : Contact Form 7 : Controller for color styling of uncheck checkbox
Add : Dynamic Category Widget
Add : Dark Mode : Documentation Link
Add : Header Meta Content : Documentation Link
Add : Heading Title : Documentation Link
Add : Info Box : Documentation Link
Add : Message Box : Documentation Link
Add : Number Counter : Documentation Link
Add : Post Navigation Widget
Compatibility : Heading Title : Margin compatibility with style 5, 7 & 9
Fix : Age Gate : Security patch (Low Severity)
Fix : Blockquote : Icon style option css Improvements
Fix : Blockquote : Icon showing when option is off
Fix : Button : Security patch (Low Severity)
Fix : Countdown : Border not working properly for style 2
Fix : Countdown : Security patch (Low Severity)
Fix : Contact Form 7 : Checkbox alignment issue fix
Fix : Flip Box : back side button css Improvements
Fix : Flip Box : Back button background color not working
Fix : Heading Title : Sub Title Limit with words not working
Fix : Heading Animations : animated text condition Improvements
Fix : Info Box : icon css Improvements for border
Fix : Minor Bug Fixes & Improvements
Fix : Message Box : Dismiss icon css Improvements
Fix : Number Counter : Add default color for tooltip option
Fix : Progress Bar : Title Left Margin not working
Fix : Pricing Table : Security patch (Low Severity)
Fix : Video : Add image placeholder for banner image
Improvement : Age Gate : css style optimize
Improvement : Blockquote : css style optimize
Improvement : Button : css style optimize
Improvement : Blog Listout : css style optimize
Improvement : Countdown : css style optimize
Improvement : Gallery Listout : css style optimize
Improvement : Heading Animation : css style optimize
Improvement : Heading Title : css style optimize
Improvement : Info Box : css style optimize
Improvement : Number Counter : css style optimize
Improvement : Pricing Table : css style optimize
Improvement : Progress Bar : css style optimize
Improvement : Page Scroll : css style optimize
Improvement : Social Icon : css style optimize
Improvement : Scroll Navigation : css style optimize
Improvement : Team Member Listout : css style optimize
Improvement : Testimonial : css style optimize
Update : Blockquote : Improve Controller UI
Update : Countdown : Improve Controller UI
Update : Dark Mode : Improve Controller UI
Update : Number Counter : Digit Gradient style condition Improvements
Update : Page Scroll : Improve Controller UI
Update : Pricing Table : Improve Controller UI
Update : Scroll Navigation : Tooltip Display Style controller Improvements
Update : Tabs/Tours : Improve Controller UI
Fix : Minor Bug Fixes & Improvements


Fix : Clients Listing : Security patch ( low security )
Fix : Team Member Listing : Security patch ( low security )
Fix : Minor Bug Fixes & Improvements

Version 5.4.1

Add : Post Meta : option to select post modify date.
Fix : Performance : Smart Optimized cache.
Fix : Header meta content : Security patch (Low Severity)
Improvement : Accordion : css improvement.
Fix : Minor Bug Fixes & Improvements.

Version 5.4.0

Note: Upgrade to at least version 5.4.0 of the Free and Pro plugins and clear & purge all Cache from server/3rd party plugin.

Improvement : Introducing a Smart Optimized Caching Method for Code Optimization and Refinement
Update : Ninja Form : css Improvements
Fix : Advance Text Block : Compatibility with html tags
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.3.5

Update : Text Block : Performance and UI Improvements
Update : Caldera Form : Performance and UI Improvements
Fix : Minor Bug Fixes & Improvements

Version 5.3.4

Add : Number Counter : Digit Gradient Color
Fix : Number Counter : Title Gradient color not working
Fix : Age Gate : Security patch (Low Severity)
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.3.3

Fix : Social Icon : Border Color Not Working In Style 3
Fix : Team Member : Controller UI Improvement
Fix : Admin Panel Minor Bug Fixes and Improvements
Fix : Minor Bug Fixes & Improvements

Version 5.3.2

Add : Post Author : Documentation Link
Add : Post Content : Documentation Link
Add : Post Featured Image : Documentation Link
Add : Post Meta : Documentation Link
Add : Post Title : Documentation Link
Add : Testimonial : Option to change the carousel direction
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.3.1

Add : Navigation Menu Lite : Documentation link
Update : Social Embed : responsive Compatibility for map style option
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.3.0

Fix : Info Box : Font Awesome 5 Icon Size not Working
Fix : Button : Style 2 css Improvement
Fix : Button : Style 17 css Improvement
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.2.21

Fix : Admin Panel Minor bug fixes and Improvements
Fix : Blog Listout : Condition Improvements

Version 5.2.20

Fix : Admin Panel Minor bug fixes and Improvements

Version 5.2.19

Add : Gallery Listing : Border Radius on hover of feature Image
Add : Button : Border Radius on Hover
Fix : Number Counter : Icon and Title Style Gradient Color Icon not showing
Fix : Progress Bar : Pie chart style 2 layout break
Fix : Blockquote : Style 1 CSS Improvement,
Improvement : Number Counter : Icon Style Condition Improvement
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.2.18

Fix : Live Copy : Cross-Domain Copy Paste
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.2.17

Add : Progress Bar : Margin Top Option for Number in Style 3
Update : Heading Title : Responsive Compatibility for Separator Height and Width
Update : Video : Responsive Compatibility for Icon Size
Fix : Progress Bar : Icon Position Issue Fix in Pie Chart
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.2.16

Compatibility : Elementor Free & Pro 3.16
Update : Blockquote : UI Improvement
Update : Info Box : Responsive Compatibility With Max Width
Update : Progress Bar : Responsive Compatibility for Pie Chart Circle Size
Update : Tabs/Tours : UI Improvement
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.2.15

Deprecated : Elementor Widget Disabled
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.2.14

Compatibility : WordPress Version 6.3
Add : Gallery Listing : Featured Image Border Radius
Add : Pricing Table : Box Hover Option For Button 
Add : Testimonial : Background Border Option
Fix : Countdown : Controller Improvement
Fix : Heading Title : Main Title Css Improvement
Fix : Message Box : Icon Css Improvement
Fix : Video Play : Image Size Css Improvement
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.2.13

Compatibility : Elementor Free & Pro 3.15
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.2.12

Update : Pricing Table : Condition Improvement
Update : Hover Card : Document Link Here
Update : Client Listout : Document Link Here
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.2.11

Update : Button : Condition Improvement
Update : Social Icon : UI Improvement
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.2.10

Add : Heading Title : Add Padding Controller For Main Title and Sub Title
Add : Testimonials : Document Link Here
Add : Team Member : Document Link Here
Add : Blog Listing : Document Link Here
Add : Gallery Listing : Document Link Here
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.2.9

Update : Event Tracker : Document Link Here
Fix: Contact Form 7 - Default Select Form and Default Error Message
Fix: Caldera Forms - Default Select Form
Fix: Everest Form - Default Select Form
Fix: Gravity Form - Default Select Form
Fix: Ninja Form - Default Select Form
Fix: WP Forms - Default Select Form
Fix: Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.2.8

 Update : Post Comment : Add Controller For Dynamic Content
 Update : Contact Form 7 : Document Link
 Update : Everest Form : Document Link
 Update : Gravity Form : Document Link
 Update : Ninja Form : Document Link
 Update : WP Form : Document Link
 Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.2.7

Update : Contact Form 7 : UI Improvement
Update : Hover Card : Opacity Controller Condition Improvement
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.2.6

Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.2.5

Added : Contact Form 7 : Add Controller For Radio Button & Check Box Icon size
Update : Pricing Table : Controller Improvement
Fix : Testimonials : Word Break issue 
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.2.4

Fix : Minor Bug Fixes & Improvements

Version 5.2.3

Update : Accordion : Document Link Update
Update : Advanced Text Block : Document Link Update
Update : Meeting Scheduler : Document Link Update
Update : Tabs & Tours : Document Link Update
Fix : Minor Bug Fixes & Improvements

Version 5.2.2

Update : Countdown : Days, Hour, Minutes, Seconds Disable Controller Added
Update : Heading Title : Separator Margin Controller Added
Update : Team Member : Box Loop Background Padding Controller Added
Update  : Testimonials : Add Controller Position Y Option For Arrows
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.2.1

Update : Button : UI Controller Improvement
Update : Blockquote : Drop Cap Quote Description Html Support
Update : Countdown : Controller Improvement
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.2.0

Update : Gravity Form : Radio and Check box Style Controller Improvement
Update : Progress Bar : Number Controller Css Improvement
Update : Team Member : Controller Improvement
Update : Equal Height : Js and Condition Improvement
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements

Version 5.1.18

Compatibility : Elementor Free & Pro 3.12
Update : Button : Controller Improvement
Update : Number Counter : Change Controller Normal To Responsive
Update : Tab Tours : Tab Active In Mobile Responsive
Fix : Minor bug Fixes & Improvements

Version 5.1.16

Added : Client Listout : In Content Repeater Option 
Added : Team Member : In Content Repeater Option 
Added : Testimonials : In Content Repeater Option 
Update : Team Member : Added Image Overlay 
Update : Team Member : Social Icon Styling Controller Improvement 
Update : Contact Form 7 : Textarea Height Option 
Update : Navigation Menu Lite : Mobile Menu Controller Improvement 
Fix : Team Member : Post Type Default Image 
Compatibility : Elementor 3.1.X Free & Pro 

Version 5.1.15

Compatibility : Smooth Scroll : Firefox Compatibility
Compatibility : Loop Grid Widget : Elementor Free & Pro Widgets Manager Default Enable
Compatibility : MetaBox : Conditions Improvement & Bug Fixes
Fix : Minor bug fixes and Improvements

Version 5.1.13

Update : Elementor Beta : Loop Grid Compatibility
Update : POT File Update
Fix : Slick CSS Image URL Bug

Version 5.1.12

Added : Social Embed Widget
Update : Post Meta : Improved Content Alignment field
Fix : Minor bug fixes and Improvements

Version 5.1.11

Added : Button Widget
Added : Social Icons Widget
Fix : Minor fixes and Improvements

Version 5.1.10

Update : Backend Live Copy/Paste JS Improvement
Update : Widget Panel Video & Document Link update
Fix : Minor fixes and Improvements

Version 5.1.9

Update : Smart Optimised Assets loading : Add action on wp_footer
Update : On Demand Assets loading : Add action on wp_print_footer_scripts
Update : Admin Welcome Page
Fix : Minor fixes and Improvements

Version 5.1.8

Update : CSS & JS Assets loading improvement for Archive page
Update : Admin Welcome Page Update
Fix : Minor fixes and Improvements

Version 5.1.7

Compatibility : Elementor 3.7
Update : CSS & JS Assets loading improvement
Update : POT file update
Update : Admin Welcome Page Update
Fix : Minor fix and Improvement

Version 5.1.4

Update : Elementor Pro Popup Compatibility
Update : Advanced Shadow : CSS & JS loading Improvement Frontend
Update : Admin Welcome Page Update
Update : wp_footer to wp_print_footer_scripts Improvement
Update : Live Copy : add_action elementor/editor/after_enqueue_scripts to elementor/editor/before_enqueue_scripts
Fix : Minor fix and Improvement

Version 5.1.3

Added : Blockquote : Tweet button with Page URL
Added : Blockquote : Dropcap(First Character) option
Update : Welcome Page Change log Update
Fix : Minor fix and Improvement

Version 5.1.2

Added : Blockquote : Author Description option
Added : Blockquote : Quote Icon and position dynamic option
Added : Blockquote : Quote Image option
Added : Blockquote : 3 type of Border Layout option
Added : Blockquote : Padding & Margin Responsive option
Fix : Minor fix and Improvement on CSS & JS

Version 5.1.1

Update : Zero Widget Used Notice in Widget Scanner
Update : Elementor Backend CSS & JS Loading Improvement
Fix : Age Gate : Body Overflow Scroll JS Improvement

Version 5.1.0

Update : Elementor Widget Manager beta to stable release
Update : Live Copy Paste Icon update
Update : Feature Name Update Display Rules to Display Condition
Update : Caching Algorithm Improvements
Fix : CSS improvement in Slick for Carousel Vertical Layout
Deprecated: Instagram Widget (Instead use Social Feed Widget)

Version 5.0.9

Compatibility : WordPress 6.0
Compatibility : Elementor Pro 3.7
Update : Container Compatibility : Live Copy
Update : Post Feature Image : Container option in background
Update : Post Meta : Taxonomies Type Option (Category/Tag)
Update : Number Counter : Dynamic Tag option for Number Value, Animation Starting Value and Gap
Update : Advanced Shadow : Container Compatibility
Update : Equal Height : Container Compatibility
Update : Glass Morphism : Container Compatibility
Update : Wrapper Link : Container Compatibility 

Version 5.0.8

Compatibility : Elementor 3.6 Compatibility Verified & Tag Update

Version 5.0.7

Fix : Polylang wpml-config.xml conflict fix

Version 5.0.6

Compatibility : WordPress 5.9
Compatibility : Elementor Free 3.5 & Pro 3.6 Compatibility
Added : Cross-Domain Copy Paste Demo
Added : Glass Morphism option in Section Demo
Added : Glass Morphism option in Column Demo
Added : Glass Morphism option in Widget Demo
Added : WPML String Transition XML
Added : Advanced Multi Box Shadows Demo
Added : Advanced Multi Text Shadows Demo
Added : Advanced Multi Drop Shadows Demo
Fix : Few Improvements and Bug fix

Version 5.0.5

Fix : Inner Section Widget not visible bug
Fix : Bug fix and improvements

Version 5.0.4

Update : Accordion : Font-Awesome Inline compatibility
Update : Age Gate : Font-Awesome Inline compatibility
Update : Button : Font-Awesome Inline compatibility
Update : Flipbox : Font-Awesome Inline compatibility
Update : Messagebox : Font-Awesome Inline compatibility
Update : Postmeta : Font-Awesome Inline compatibility
Update : Scroll Navigation : Font-Awesome Inline compatibility
Update :  : Font-Awesome Inline compatibility
Compatibility : Compatibility with Elementor v3.4 and Elementor Pro v3.5

Version 5.0.3

Fix : Scan widget Feature: Improved for Lightspeed server
Fix : Age Gate : JS update for overflow issue in the body
Fix : Security Improvement, Bug fix and Other Improvements

Version 5.0.2

  • Update : Optimized Caching algorithm
  • Fix : Control conditions execution bug in the control slug of Elementor 3.4.2. Reference Link
  • Fix : Bug fix and improvements

Version 5.0.1

  • Added : The Plus Settings -> Plus Widgets -> Unused Widget Scan and Disable Option
  • Added : Elementor Free & Pro Widgets Manager
  • Added : The Plus Settings -> Performance -> Elementor Free & Pro Widgets Manager -> Unused Widget Scan and Disable Option
  • Added : Options to mange inbuilt caching from The Plus Settings -> Performance 1. Smart Advanced Caching 2. On Demand Assets Loading
  • Update : Video Player : Schema Markup option
  • Compatibility : WordPress 5.8 compatibility
  • Compatibility : Compatibility with Elementor v 3.4

Version 5.0.0

  • IMPORTANT : We got audited and approved by Astra Security. View Certificate
  • Added : Age Gate
  • Added : Message Box
  • Added : Post Title
  • Added : Post Content
  • Added : Post Featured Image
  • Added : Post Meta
  • Added : Post Author
  • Added : Post Comment
  • Update : CSP (Content Security Policy) implementation & Updates
  • Fix : JS bug fix and improvements

Version 2.0.8

  • Update : Compatibility with Elementor v3.2

Version 2.0.7

  • Update : function change wp_redirect to wp_safe_redirect
  • Fix : JS bug fix and improvements

Version 2.0.6

  • Security Fix : Security error related to HTML tags validation (nearly identical to Elementor’s Recent Patch)
  • Fix : JS bug fix and improvements

Version 2.0.5

  • Compatibility : WordPress 5.7 compatibility
  • Compatibility : Elementor Free 3.1.4 compatibility
  • Compatibility : Elemento Pro 3.2.0 compatibility

Version 2.0.4

  • Fix : Demo Importer bug fix

Version 2.0.3

  • COMPATIBILITY : Elementor Free 3.1.1 & Pro 3.0.10
  • Fix : Progress Bar : Number Prefix/Postfix bug fix
  • Fix : JS bug fix

Version 2.0.2

  • Compatibility : WordPress 5.6 Compatibility & jQuery Updates
  • Update : Accordion : Support Icon Library
  • Update : Button : Support Icon Library
  • Update : Infobox : Support Icon Library
  • Update : Flip Box : Support Icon Library
  • Fix : JS bug fix

Version 2.0.1

  • Gravity Form Fields Improvements
  • Bug Fixes

Version 2.0.0

  • Revamped whole structure
  • New Admin Panel UI
  • Updated & Included 30+ Widgets
  • Added 3+ New Features
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.5
  • Compatibility with Elementor 3.X
  • Bug Fixes